School Uniform

Our school colours are navy blue and pale blue. Please encourage the children to wear their uniform with pride - we are proud of our school and we want all of our children to share in that pride.

JPCE School Uniform Policy 23


In order to maintain a strong sense of identity and belonging within our school, we require all pupils to wear school uniform which consists of:

Navy blue sweatshirt / cardigan, preferably with school logo
Pale blue polo shirt
Grey or black trousers or skirt/pinafore
White, grey, black or dark navy socks
Black, flat, safe & sensible shoes (no heels higher than 4cm inclusive of any platform); trainers should not be worn. Boots only allowed to and from school- change of inside shoes will then be needed.
In the summer, grey or black shorts may be worn; girls may wear a blue gingham dress
Navy blue cap for sun protection

PE Kit:

Pale blue T-shirt
Navy blue shorts/ tracksuits
Trainers may be worn
Swimming Y5 : swimming shorts (boys) or one piece costume (girls), towel, goggles (if required). Bikinis and ‘Hawaiian’ style shorts must not be worn. All children in Y5 will also need a swimming hat

In the interests of hygiene and safety, long hair should always be tied back.  The wearing of jewellery is not allowed, except for stud earrings and a watch. Any child wearing inappropriate jewellery will be asked to remove it and it will be safely stored until home time. All jewellery must be removed for PE and games. Children must remove their own earrings.


Ordering Uniform

KT Textiles

Please order your school uniform from our official uniform providers KT Textiles by visiting their website.   Delivery is up to 14 days from receipt of your order.  You can select free postage to collect from Jennett's Park school office or you can pay postage directly to your home address.


Our PTA also sell second-hand, good quality uniform.  Please search for their Facebook page or speak to the office for details.