Plastic free status.
Very exciting news that this week we have been awarded our Plastic Free Schools Award! Well done to Mrs Johnson for all your hard work.
For a few months now our Plastic Free Reps have been quietly working away with Mrs Johnson in trying to earn our Plastic Free Schools Award.
They had lots of special missions!
The first was to use our meetings to identify the main sources of plastic in our school and educate our classmates. This was an easy one! We identified that the majority of our single use plastic was coming from our school lunches due to Covid restrictions changing the way they were served.
The Year 5 and 6 reps- Ellie, Freddie, Lucy and Serena all met with the head of Harrison’s catering company and talked about what we could do to reduce the single use plastic in our school lunches. We instantly were able to swap disposable cutlery for the metal type, and with some careful persuasion from our Y5/6 reps they agreed to swap the disposable plastic pudding pots for reusable small bowls! This was a huge achievement!
We used Green Day to conduct litter picks, learn about recycling in our area and write letters to those people in power! The younger reps helped make posters, whilst the older ones wrote letters to places like Co-op or even parliament!
Once we had completed all of this, we had 2 more challenges to complete before achieving our award. We needed to identify one more single use plastic in our school to eliminate and then pledge to continue to reduce more single use plastic over the next few months.
With the help of Mrs Savage and a purchase of reusable poster clips instead of laminating we were able to tick one more unnecessary plastic off our list!
The plastic reps all earned their Eco Warrior badges and we sent off our evidence to Surfers Against Sewage to see if we had completed all the criteria for our award…. And we did!!!
Jennett’s Park Primary is now a Plastic Free School and has earned its first Plastic Free Schools Award!!!
Well done to all our Plastic Free Reps! You are true Eco Warriors!
Our next mission is to pledge to reduce more single use plastic in our school. The plastic reps have collectively decided that lunchbox plastic is our next target. More information will follow in next weeks newsletter!