Keeping Your Child Safe

Our Safeguarding Contacts

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) - Mrs Elizabeth Savage

Inclusion Leader (Deputy DSL) Mrs Robinson

Family Support Worker- Mrs S Thorpe

Other Staff trained to help with investigations - Ms Szadowski, Mr Page & Ms Allen

Designated Safeguarding & Child Protection Governor: Reverend G Morley



JPCE Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2024 - September 2024 v3

Bonitas Trust Safeguarding Statement of Intent

See our Other Wellbeing Pages

Wellbeing Page

Advice for Adults

Social Stories

The school has a clear policy on child protection and safeguarding in line with Bracknell Forest Council.  Any concerns can be reported to any of the above staff members.  We have close working relationships with other professionals, including Health and Social Services.

If an issue is raised about a child who appears to be neglected, ill treated or not thriving, we have a duty to clarify the situation. We will contact parents/ carers to find out whether there are any problems that can be dealt with.  However, in some circumstances the law requires us to take action to protect a child from abuse or neglect by contacting social services without first informing parents or carers.

We recognise that all families have times of difficulty and may need some support.  We encourage you to let us know if you need help, and we will do our best to put you in contact with the right people to help and support you.

We believe that an open and honest partnership with families is vital.  Problems at home often show themselves in school and vice versa. Communication is essential so that we can support you and your children.  Please let us know if events at home might affect your child's behaviour and emotional well being in school.

Other Useful Contacts

Bracknell Forest Council Education Safeguarding Manager: Tel. 01344 354014

Bracknell Forest Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub: Tel. 01344 352005

Emma Langdon  Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO): Tel. 01344 351572,  Email:

Emergency Duty Team (Out of hours): 01344 786543

Family Support Worker

Our School Family Support Worker is Mrs Thorpe.  Raising children is wonderful but can sometimes be really challenging! We know that sometimes families need a little extra support or advice. If you would like to discuss anything or would like some extra encouragement and support, Mrs Thorpe is here to help.  Please visit her if you have any problems.  You can contact her via the main school reception or by telephoning the school on: 01344 301269.

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)

The School follows rigorous procedures when employing staff.  All members of the school staff, adults who help regularly in school, governors and adults from outside organisations, for example sports coaches are all checked.

Security in School

The security of the school is a priority.  During the day all gates that access the school site are locked.  The main school entrance is open and manned to allow our nursery parents and carers to collect and drop off.

The internal Reception doors are controlled electronically and cannot be opened by anyone who is not permitted to enter.

Visitors sign in at Reception and wear a badge.  Staff understand the need to check the identity of anyone on the School premises who is not wearing a badge.

There is an emergency action plan in place in the event of an emergency.  We hope never to use the plan, but you will appreciate the importance of having procedures in place.  Emergency procedures are practised regularly.

We rely on the local community to support us in keeping our school safe.  Please let us know if you see any unusual or suspicious activity around the School site.

Use of Photographs

We have a policy about use of the internet.  Please let us know if you do not want your child's photograph to be used in publications that go out of school or on our school website.  You will be advised by school staff regarding the use of cameras and video equipment at school events.  We do ask that you are sensitive when using photographs on social media and use only those images of your child / children.

Parents' and Carers' Contact Details

Please keep us up to date with contact details, including address and telephone numbers and children's medical details, emergency contacts and any other relevant information.  It is very helpful for us to have a phone number for text messages as this provides a way of sending information quickly, for example, if  a coach is held up and children are likely to arrive back later than expected.  Please make sure you register with our sQuid system which we use as our primary way to communicate with parents for example fortnightly newsletters, school information and parents evenings.

We have help for parents on many different topics. Do ask if you can't find what you are looking for!



A Full page on how to keep your child safe

Esafety | Jennett's Park (



We are the leading national charity working with single parent families. Since 1918, we have been at the forefront of shaping policy and services that support single parents.

Today, there are two million single parent families in the country. We champion their voices and keep their needs at the heart of everything we do.



Talk Pants Poster

Every year we remind the children of the PANTS rule in assembly and lessons. The rule teaches children which parts of their body should be private, to know the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touch, to understand that they have the right to say “no” to unwanted touch and to start thinking about who they trust and who they can ask for help. Please follow the link to find out more information and support for parents to carry out these conversations with their children and to learn the ‘Pantosaurus’ song!

  • Privates are private.
  • Always remember your body belongs to you.
  • No means no.
  • Talk about secrets that upset you.
  • Speak up, someone can help.

The lessons will introduce a range of safety ideas, all delivered in a way that’s fully age-appropriate, empowering pupils without using any frightening words.

These include:

  • good and bad touching
  • your child’s right to say no to things that make them feel upset or uncomfortable
  • naming parts of the body
  • who your child can turn to if they ever feel upset or worried.
  • our privates are private and PANTS tells you what we do to keep us safe.

More information about the underwear rule is available on the NSPCC website.

Watch this great video from NSPCC on the safety of talking about PANTS with PANTOSAURUS.



There can be so many risks inside and outside the home, it can be hard to keep track of them all.

For instance, did you know that:

Falls are one of the most common causes of childhood accidents?

Six toddlers are admitted to hospital every day because they’ve been so badly burned?

Many accidents can be prevented in just one minute, by moving dangerous objects out of a child’s reach?


Road safety

A great road safety video to talk to KS2 children. In this film, CITV presenter, Sam Homewood, encourages children to be ‘road ready’ and be safe on the road.

