Bonitas Multi Academy Trust

Jennett's Park Bonitas Trust AcademyJennett's Park CE Primary School opened as a new Academy on 1st June 2017 under The Bonitas  Multi-Academy Trust.

Bonitas Multi-Academy Trust - Home

The Bonitas Trust is a charitable and limited company registered in England & Wales, company number 07698406, registered at Bonitas Multi-Academy Trust, Ranelagh Drive, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 9DA. Tel: 01344 421233.


Members of Bonitas Multi-Academy Trust

Simon Goldring 31.5.22
Bishop Mary Gregory - Bishop of Reading 28.11.24
Rachel Phillips (Chair of Board of Trustees) 17.10.19
Marion Standing (representing the Oxford Diocesan Board of Education) 04.12.19
Robert Wilkins 06.07.23


Bonitas Trust Board of Trustees

Mrs Rachel Phillips (Chairperson)

Mr Rupert Morton (CEO)

Mrs Lyn Baily

Mr Robert Kelly

Mr Chris Menon

Dr Andrew Hill

Mr Bhavin Taylor

Mrs Claire Tootill