Welcome to Jennett’s Park PTA
Who are we?
We are a group of mums, dads, carers, guardians and school staff who volunteer our time to fundraise for the school. We aim to support the school vision of Life In All Its Fullness by fundraising for the added extras which enrich the school lives of the pupils and to put on events which bring the school community together, providing parents with an opportunity to meet and have fun.
This year’s team are new for 2024, and with that change is an opportunity for fresh ideas, new helpers and change – this is the year to join in and make a difference! Together we can build on the past successes of the previous team and make sure our school and our families continue to thrive.
Our core committee
Chair: Marianne Williams
Vice Chair: Marie Manthorpe
Secretary: Caroline Rashbrook
Treasurer: Rachael Riley
However, we couldn’t do what we do without the superstar volunteers that share their time and effort to put on amazing events throughout the year. If you’d like to get involved, we would love to hear from you! Please come to a meeting, follow our Facebook group, or drop a line to jennettsparkpta@gmail.com
What have we funded in the past?
The PTA works closely with school to understand where they need support, and have raised funds to support much of the outside equipment, including the climbing frame and contributions to the seating areas on the playground, in addition to this we have also purchased branded sports kit, tablets, playground markings and year 6 leaver's celebration.
Previous events we’ve run....
- The scarecrow trail
- The second hand uniform shop
- The Christmas fayre
- Pizza nights
- Quiz evenings
Is there something you think we should be fundraising for? Are we missing a trick with an event? Please get in contact!
How can I help?
- Join us for meetings. We’re a friendly, welcoming bunch and always looking for new members. There’s usually (decent) biscuits and a cup of tea on offer as well.
- Buy your sticky name labels from Stikins and use code 35444 (teachers will thank you too!).
- Shop online through Easyfundraising, and choose JP PTA as your chosen charity.
- Volunteer as much or as little time as you’d like. It doesn’t need to be a huge commitment- an hour tidying after the Christmas Fayre, half hour manning a cake stand will be hugely, greatly appreciated.
- Keep an eye on our fundraising ideas, and if you know something that has worked well in the past please let us know!
PTA News
PTA EGM - Monday 24th March at 6:30pm in ICT Room (please come to office).
Should you have any questions, please contact the team:
Email: jennettsparkpta@gmail.com
Facebook: jennettsparkpta
*Please don’t be offended but we will only accept parents of children currently attending the school to our closed Facebook group.