Celebrating Achievement

Star Ambassadors

Celebrating AchievementsWe want everyone to do the best that they can, to care for each other, to work together and to show us that they are keeping our Rainbow Promise.

At our Celebration Assembly we celebrate those children who are doing something great, working extra hard, being really kind or showing that they keep the Rainbow Promise daily at our school.

Our Year 6 children lead the Celebration Assembly and are very proud to hand out certificates, trophies and awards to celebrate the wonderful things that our children are accomplishing.

It is a very special time in our week!


Star Ambassadors Autumn 2024

These children always show the Rainbow Promise and Owl Learning Behaviours.

Autumn 2024 - Star Ambassador and Maths Award

Year Star Ambassador Maths Award
Reception Woodpeckers Kit William
Reception Robins Hasan Alfie S
1 Stonechats Myla Teigan
1 Whinchats Vivienne Theo
2 Yellowhammers Max Bethany
2 Canaries Mia Rhys
3 Parakeets Abigail Freddie
3 Greenjays Carter Tommy
4 Macaws Mason Reggie
4 Kingfishers Beau Isla
5 Mockingbirds Sophia Ashton
5 Peacocks Maisy Theo
6  Sabrewings Megan Erin
6 Sunbirds Archie Albert
Mr Hay (Maths) Poppy G
Office (Star)  Harrison A