Early Birds and Night Owls Wraparound care
We are able to welcome children from Jennett's Park CE Primary school to our wraparound care.
Children aged 3+yrs in our Nursery and Primary are able to attend Night Owls.
Children aged 4+yrs in our Primary (Reception-Year 6) are able to attend Early Birds.
Breakfast Club - Early Birds 7:15am-8:45am
We have spaces for 36 children aged 4+yrs (Reception-Year 6) before school and the session charge is currently £6.75. Breakfast club can be booked via MagicBookings.
After school - Night Owls 3:15pm-6:00pm
We have spaces for up to 36 children aged 3+yrs (Nursery-Year 6) dependent on ratios and younger children in attendance. The session charge is currently £12.30.
Any children attending another after-school activity onsite can go straight from their activity to after-school club on a reduced session (4:15-6:00pm) for £7.80.
After-school club can be booked via Magicbookings.
Parent User Guide - How to Book
JP Wraparound Care policy 2024
We look forward to announcing all our after-school activities near the October half term.
Daytime school Clubs
French & Spanish Clubs - Jennett's Park School
Rocksteady - Wednesdays (link to external website)
For any queries about clubs available, please contact the school office or email secretary@jennetts.bonitas.org.uk
Holiday Clubs
Sadly, we will not be welcoming back Camp Beaumont during October Half Term 2024.