Ofsted & SIAMS Reports


Jennett's Park CE Primary School was inspected 19th and 20th October.


Ofsted | Jennett's Park CofE Primary School



10200911 Jennett's Park CofE 144608 final


Post OFSTED Plan for parents & Carers

Post Ofsted timeline -parents-Spr2update


ES Ofsted Letter



Claire Tootill Chair of Governors Ofsted letter

Bonitas Ofsted Letter

Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS)

SIAMS report 2019 

As a Church of England school, we are visited and inspected by SIAMS. The aim of this inspection is to evaluate the extent to which church schools are "distinctively and recognisably Christian institutions". It focuses on the effect that the Christian ethos of the school has on the children who attend it.

We are very pleased to inform you that our recent Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) graded our school as GOOD in all areas of its provision as a Church school.  The inspection is now a lot more rigorous than ever before and it is much harder for schools to achieve a ‘Good’ grade.  The inspection covers Leadership and Management (and particularly their role in embedding the school’s Christian vision), how we serve the common good using our four promises to our community, the impact of Collective Worship and the teaching of Religious Education.

The inspector included a lot of comments in her report that we are extremely proud of including:

“It [Jennett’s Park] can be likened to a phoenix rising from the ashes."

“Everyone is ‘singing from the same hymn sheet’, helping to breathe newness of life into Jennett’s Park.”

“ Driven by  the  school’s vision, there is a  renewed  impetus from the Headteacher and senior leaders  to  empower  a  community  where  all  can  flourish  and  achieve together on this school’s ongoing journey of school improvement.”

“The  close  partnership  with  the  Church,  notably  through  the  associate  priest,  is  enriching  the worshipping lives of pupils and adults.”

Other factors which were commended included our calm and dignified approach, the school’s vision, the collective worship ambassadors, the support and mentoring of the Bonitas Trust and that of the Governing Body and the speed of improvement in outcomes across all areas.  Throughout the day, the inspector observed lessons and an assembly, had discussions with pupils, staff, parents, Members of the trust and Governors, looked through children’s books and analysed our School Improvement Plans, action plans and self-evaluation documents.  Her assessment supported our own judgements. A full copy can be read here: Report Template (bonitas.org.uk)