Vision, Values and Aims

Empowering our children to flourish and achieve under God’s love  John 10:10. Live life in all its fullness
These are our promises to keep to our children to be able to serve the common good with our work as part of the Church of England.

Our vision as a school, is to have every child achieving their greatest potential academically, socially and spiritually. We say we wish to Empower children to flourish and achieve under God's Love and that we will Live life in all its fullness ( John 10:10)

To achieve this, we work with our children in building their confidence as well as developing their ability to challenge themselves and see that they can be more than they think they can be.

We aim to develop enquiring minds, a high self-esteem and a true feeling of self-worth, helping everyone to feel valued for their individual and collaborative contributions.

Everyone is given an equal opportunity to participate in all aspects of school life and we help all the children to prepare for their next steps in their life-long learning journey, by developing their abilities to experiment, investigate, take risks, challenge and make informed choices.

View the whole document here: Updated Promises 2022 Updated Promises 2022

Summary here:

Our Values

The person you are is an expression of your core values. They determine how you think and what you do. They shape your purpose and determine your vision. They establish your character. In fact, they are extremely important to who you are.


Our Rainbow Promise is integral to everything that we and our children do, believe in and strive to be at school.

It promotes the SMSC and British Values on a daily basis and teachers actively promote these through a variety of specific activities.

The values which form part of this Rainbow Promise and which we all choose to display in our everyday behaviour are:

Our place in the community

We want to work with our local community to develop and live the Christian values of mutual respect, reconciliation and forgiveness as we meet the challenges of life at school, in the local community and beyond.