Headteacher’s Welcome

Welcome from the Headteacher

Deciding on the Nursery or Primary school that your child attends is one of the most important decisions you make: as you are laying the foundations for a positive approach to learning. We have school tours to show you around our site and see us in action or if you can’t come in we’ve also put together a package of things that we hope will inspire you to choose us!

In this video you’ll hear a little of what makes Jennett’s Park CE Primary special and have a chance to see where you can get extra information. I’ve been head at JP for 7 years now and am so proud to serve this amazing community.

Our vision for the school is to ensure that the needs of all our children are met in all areas of school life and that each child is given a wealth of experience and opportunities. We sum this up as enabling children to flourish and achieve under Gods love. Our vision allows us as a school to have every child achieving their greatest potential academically, socially and spiritually.

We are proud that our school hosts worship for St Michael's Church and we are a school which recognises and encourages Christian values. Our promises help us to serve the common good with our work as part of the Church of England.

At Jennett’s Park CE Primary School, our children live and learn by the Rainbow Promise. These values can be seen in the way that the children work alongside each other, collaborate and support each other and care for each and everyone like a family.  We expect all members of our school family to share in the promise to love and care for one another in the best way we can.

At Jennett’s Park we believe it is important for children to:

  • develop a love of learning.
  • be actively engaged with their learning.
  • have the confidence to share their learning with others.
  • build the resilience needed to take risks in their learning.

Throughout our time with your children we aim to foster in them qualities that will empower them to become independent learners. We describe this as Owl learning behaviours.

As a Christian community, we endeavour to celebrate the successes of our children in all areas of school life. We work with our children in building their confidence as well as developing their ability to challenge themselves and see that they can be more than they think they can be. We aim to develop enquiring minds, a high self-esteem and a true feeling of self-worth, helping everyone to feel valued for their individual and collaborative contributions.

We believe that school should be a happy, caring, spiritual, respectful and hardworking environment, in which all staff should utilise their skills to enable the children in their care to recognise their true potential and know their gifts and talents.

Jennett’s Park is a school where children flourish academically, personally and physically. Expectations for achievement in these three areas are high. We strive to ensure that every child, irrespective of background, faith or colour, can take great pride in their hard- earned achievements here at school.

As key educators in your children’s lives, we understand that it is important that you feel you have a voice and that as a school we are approachable and allocate time to listen to your concerns, worries or thoughts about the school. We take time to listen- we have a strong Governing Body, close links to the church and have very active volunteers and Parents Association.

We can promise you that our children leave Jennett’s Park CE School at the end of Year 6 feeling extremely confident, responsible and competent members of society, ready for their secondary school journey.

Our website offers links to all our policies. You will also find a 3D tour, showreel, prospectus and much, much  more.

You can be assured that as Head teacher, I strive to create the best education for your child/children whilst they are members of our school family. We take time to discuss your child’s gifts and talents and how we can best support them. I look forward to meeting you all and please come and please do say hello in the playground.

I look forward to watching your children grow in confidence, knowledge and spirituality during their time at Jennett’s Park CE School and thank you in advance for the support I know you will give all members of our school community, in the years to come.

Photo of Elizabeth Savage Headteacher

Elizabeth Savage, Bsc Hons NPQH


Contactable via secretary@jennetts.bonitas.org.uk