Admissions to Main school
Please see our School Tour & Welcome page for a copy of the most up-to-date prospectus. There are separate arrangements for Nursery admissions.
Deciding which is the right school to apply to for your child’s education is very important. We are a school right in the centre of Jennett’s Park housing development.
For admissions into our Reception classes and all other year groups within the school, we work closely with Bracknell Forest Council who manage the process of application in line with our School Admissions Policy.
The admissions arrangements for the academic year this also includes pupils with disabilities.
JPCE Admissions Policy 2024-25
JPCE Admissions Policy 2025-2026
JPCE Admissions Policy 2026-27
Please note, our Admissions Policy for 2026-2027 is currently under consultation. Please see here for further details.
Unfortunately, attendance, or sibling attendance in school, does not guarantee a place in the nursery or main school.
How to apply
We work with Bracknell Forest Council (BFC) as part of the Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme. This means that it manages and administers the admissions process.
Visit the Bracknell Forest Council website to Apply for a Reception place in our school. Alternatively, to apply for children in Years 1-6, please see Bracknell Forest Council's In-year School Applications.
Should you need to contact School Admissions, their details are:
School Admissions Team
Time Square
Market Street
RG12 1JD
Tel: 01344 354023
- Applicants must apply to their home local authority no matter what school they wish to apply for
- Detailed information is available from:
There is an established appeals process if you are refused a place in the main Primary school (Reception-Year 6). Our main primary school appeals are overseen by the Oxford Diocesan Board of Education. For any appeals regarding Nursery spaces, please refer to the Nursery Admissions policy.
Please see further background information regarding appeals:
KS1 Decision Making in Infant Class Size Appeals
Schools admissions timetable for 2024-25
Making an appeal
To make an appeal, please complete the below appeals form and hand into the school office. This will be passed onto the relevant team at the Oxford Diocesan who manage all appeals.