Admissions Consultation 2026-2027

Consultation on the 2026-27 Main School Admissions Policy

Proposed JPPS Nursery Admissions Policy 2026-7

At Jennett’s Park CE School, Bonitas Multi-Academy Trust is responsible for admissions to Main School. As an Academy of the Trust, the Jennett’s Park CE School Governing Body has been delegated responsibility for deciding on admissions to the School.

As our Admissions Policy has not been consulted on since joining Bonitas, and schools are required to consult on admissions every seven years, we are taking this opportunity to ask our community for their opinions. Consultation is an important step for us to take to ensure that we are serving our community in the way our community wants.

According to Paragraph 1.45 of the School Admissions Code 2021, we are legally required to consult all stakeholders to gather their opinions on any changes to an Admissions Policy. Stakeholders include parents/carers, headteachers of local schools, staff in local nurseries and preschools, clergy of local churches and many others in the surrounding area.

As we are a Church of England school, we have taken the decision to align our policy to the most recent Oxford Diocese model policy. This means the policy looks different to previous policies, but the only significant change is the re-ranking of “children of staff” to the oversubscription criteria. This is because members of Jennett’s Park CE School staff are valued members of our school family. Ensuring their children are able to come to our school will help to ensure the retention and stability of staff. This has an overall positive impact on the wellbeing of the whole school community, empowering all to flourish and achieve.

For further information and to respond, please complete this online survey. The question you will be asked is:

Do you agree with the proposed Admissions Policy?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Please feel free to let us know your reasons

You have until 20th December to respond to our consultation.

Thank you for your time,

The Admissions Committee

Jennett’s Park CE School